席伟俤,李伟刚,李鹏杰.32 位定点运算数学库IQmath 在航空发动机FADEC 系统中的应用[J].航空发动机,2017,43(5):21-25
32 位定点运算数学库IQmath 在航空发动机FADEC 系统中的应用
Application of 32 bit Fixed-point Arithmetic Library IQmath in FADEC System of Aeroengine
中文关键词:  定点运算数学库  全权限数字电子控制  定点数  浮点数  航空发动机
英文关键词:FADEC  fixed-point numbers  floating-point numbers  aeroengine
席伟俤,李伟刚,李鹏杰 中国航发控制系统研究所江苏无锡214063 275392963@qq.com 
摘要点击次数: 2193
全文下载次数: 2905
      为提高航空发动机FADEC 系统定点CPU 的计算效率和计算精度,针对实际工程应用中的数学运算的方法展开讨论,分 析了定点数运算和浮点数运算在计算精度和运行效率方面存在的差异。参考TI公司的设计理念,自行设计了支持统一定点算法和 可变定点算法的32 位定点运算数学库IQmath。在国内发动机控制领域不再依赖国外的库函数,掌握了32 位定点数学库的源代 码,并在实际项目中应用了IQmath 数学库。试验结果表明:IQmath 数学库的应用提高了定点CPU数学运算的精度和效率,完满实现 了预定的控制算法。
      In order to improve the computational efficiency and accuracy of the fixed-point CPU of Aeroengine FADEC system, the mathematical operation method in practical engineering application was discussed and the differences between the fixed-point operation and the floating-point operation in the calculation accuracy and the running efficiency were analyzed. Reference to TI's design concept, arithmetic library IQmath was designed, which support the unified fixed-point algorithm and variable fixed-point algorithm 32-bit fixedpoint. In the field of domestic engine control is no longer dependent on foreign library functions, the 32-bit fixed-point mathematical library of the source code was mastered, and the IQmath library was applicated in actual project. The results show that the application of IQmath library improves the accuracy and efficiency of fixed-point CPU mathematical operation, and realizes the predetermined control algorithm.
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