段力1,高均超1,丁桂甫1,邵靖2,毛成龙3,沈杰3,静波4.航空发动机涡轮叶片原位集成高温MEMS 传感器的研制[J].航空发动机,2018,44(4):56-60
航空发动机涡轮叶片原位集成高温MEMS 传感器的研制
A Robust Embedded MEMS High-temperature Sensor for Aero-engine Turbine Blade
中文关键词:  高温测量技术  传感器  抗振动  抗冲击  航空发动机
英文关键词:high temperature measurement technology  sensors  vibration resistance  impact resistance  aeroengine
段力1,高均超1,丁桂甫1,邵靖2,毛成龙3,沈杰3,静波4 1.上海交通大学电子信息与电气工程学院1机械与动力工程学院4上海2002402.苏州泰斯特测控科技有限公司江苏苏州邮编 3.上海中航商用航空发动机制造有限责任公司上海201108 franklinduan@sjtu.edu.cn 
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      为了满足智能高性能航空发动机高温、高振动、高冲击的苛刻工作要求,采用MEMS(Micro-electro-mechanical-system, 微机电系统)薄膜技术制作了发动机涡轮叶片原位集成高温温度传感器,并进行了高温下的温度试验和振动冲击试验。试验结果表 明:热电阻传感器温度的线性良好,可以实现在高温环境下的温度控制;叶片原位温度传感器及其连线系统可以在规定的苛刻的振 动与冲击试验指标下安全、可靠地工作,振动与冲击之后连接特性没有变化。将该原位集成传感器应用在涡轮叶片表面,不仅可以 原位测量800 ℃的环境温度,而且具有很高的机械强度,可以承受40g 的振动和100g 的冲力。
      In order to satisfy the high temperature, high vibration and impact environments inside the high performance and intelligence aeroengines,in-situ integrated MEMS sensor was fabricated on turbine blades surface. A series of high temperature tests together with vibration and impact tests were carried out on these embedded sensors. The tests results show that the thermal resistance of the MEMS sensor has a good temperature linear relationship and can realize high temperature control. These sensors and connection system can work safely and reliably under the specified harsh vibration and impact test conditions. The characteristic of the connection system is unchanged after the test. Therefore,these in-situ integrated sensors can be applied on turbine blades surface to measure the ambient temperature up to 800℃with high mechanical strength,which can withstand the vibration of 40g and the impact of 100 g.
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