竺铝涛1,张发2.碳纤维复合材料层压板低速冲击试验研究[J].航空发动机,2015,41(1):85-88 |
碳纤维复合材料层压板低速冲击试验研究 |
Experimental Investigation of Low-Speed Impact for Carbon Fiber Composite Laminate |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 碳纤维预浸料 层压板 低速冲击 复合材料 破坏形式 冲击响应 铺层 |
英文关键词:carbon fiber prepreg laminate low-speed impact composite laminates damaging manner impact response lay up |
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摘要点击次数: 7024 |
全文下载次数: 6164 |
中文摘要: |
为研究复合材料不同铺层结构的抗冲击性能,采用碳纤维预浸料制备了单向[0°]8和正交[0/90]2s铺层2种不同结构的碳纤维复合材料层压板,并使用Instron 9250 落锤冲击测试仪测试其低速冲击性能,得到了载荷- 时间曲线,分析了2 种不同铺层方式的复合材料层压板的低速冲击加载力学性能,得到复合材料层压板的破坏形态来分析其破坏方式。结果表明:2种铺层方式产生了不同的破坏模式,正交[0/90]2s的复合材料层压板的抗低速冲击能力要优于单向[0°]8铺层的。 |
英文摘要: |
In order to study the impact resistance of composite with different layer modes, two kinds of laminates that unidirectional [0°]8and cross ply [0/90]2s were prepared with carbon fiber prepreg. Low-speed impact testing was performed by Instron 9250 drop weight impact testing machine. Force-time curves were obtained to analyze low-speed impact with loading mechanical performance of two kinds of laminates. The damage mode of compositelaminatewasobtainedtoanalyzeitsdamagingmanners.Theresultsshowthatthetwolayermodeshaveadifferent damagingmanners,thelow-speedimpactresistanceofthecrossply[0/90]2s laminateisbetterthanthatofunidirectional[0°]8 laminate. |
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