Optimization Method of Transient Thermal Analysis Model for High-Pressure Turbine Disk Based on Transient Test Data
中文关键词:  瞬态热分析  高压涡轮盘  温度场计算  测试修正  优化  航空发动机
英文关键词:transient thermal analysis  high-pressure turbine disk  temperature field calculation  test correction  optimization  aeroengine
徐晓娟,李宗超,邓明春,周建军 中国航发沈阳发动机研究所沈阳110015 
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      为了提高发动机高压涡轮盘瞬态温度场的分析精度,提出利用试车过程中旋转部件过渡态壁温测试数据的高压涡轮盘 瞬态热分析模型优化方法。引入自适应模拟退火(ASA)优化算法,将典型位置处温度计算值与测试数据之间的均方根误差最小 为优化目标,建立了过渡态热分析计算模型优化方法,实现了高压涡轮盘瞬态热分析模型的自动优化。以高压涡轮盘实际历程下 壁温测点数据为基准,开展瞬态热分析模型优化及验证。结果表明:优化后热分析模型的节点温度计算值随时间的变化曲线与实测 温度变化趋势吻合良好,且在全时间域内高压涡轮盘典型位置处瞬态计算壁温与测试值的平均偏差为11 K,最大偏差为15 K,满足 工程计算的精度要求。算例表明高压涡轮盘瞬态热分析模型优化方法在提升温度场修正计算效率的同时具备较高的计算精度。
      To improve the analysis accuracy of the transient temperature field of the high-pressure turbine disk of aeroengines, an optimization method of transient thermal analysis model for the high-pressure turbine disk using the transient surface temperature data of the rotating components during test was proposed. By introducing the adaptive simulated annealing (ASA) optimization algorithm and tak? ing the minimization of RMSE of the difference between the calculated temperature value and the test data at typical positions as the optimization objective, the optimization method of transient thermal analysis model was established and automatic optimization of the transient thermal analysis model for high-pressure turbine disk was achieved. Based on the actual surface temperature data of the high- pressure turbine disk, the optimization and verification of the transient thermal analysis model was conducted. The results show that the temperatures and their variation derived using the optimized transient thermal analysis model agree well with those from the experiment. In the entire time domain, the average deviation between the calculated transient surface temperatures and those from the experiment at typi? cal locations is 11 K, with a maximum deviation of 15 K, meeting engineering calculation accuracy requirements. The case demonstrates that the optimized transient thermal analysis model of the high-pressure turbine disk can improve the calculation efficiency of the temperature field correction while maintaining high calculation accuracy.
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