陈英涛1 ,梁子键 1 ,沙鹏鹏 2 ,梁书伟 1.取样探针流动参数对燃气组分误差影响的数值仿真[J].航空发动机,2024,50(1):143-150
Numerical Simulation of the Influence of Sampling Probe Flow Parameters on Gas Component Error
中文关键词:  取样探针  流动特性  取样误差  数值仿真  燃烧效率  燃气组分  航空发动机
英文关键词:sampling probe  flow characteristic  sampling error  numerical simulation  combustion efficiency  gas component  aeroengine
陈英涛1 ,梁子键 1 ,沙鹏鹏 2 ,梁书伟 1 1.沈阳航空航天大学 航空发动机学院沈阳 110136 2.中国航发四川燃气涡轮研究院四川绵阳 621000 
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      燃气组分精准取样是航空发动机燃烧室性能试验分析的关键因素。为了研究燃气取样探针在取样时带来的组分误差 及其影响,在取样气体化学反应冻结的基础上,采用组分输运模型结合流固耦合传热的数值仿真方法,构建了3维探针多组分燃 气流流动特性求解模型,分析了在不同余气系数下,由取样探针内部流动参数变化引起的燃气组分体积分数误差及其带来的燃烧 效率误差影响。结果表明:探针流动参数变化会引起 2% 以上的相对取样误差。当余气系数为 1.14时,CO 2 相对取样误差为 2.35%,CO相对取样误差为2.34%;当余气系数为2.06时,CO 2 相对取样误差为2.04%。在低余气系数环境下取样时,燃气组分取样 精度降低,取样误差对燃烧效率误差的影响超过0.1%;随着余气系数的提高,燃气组分取样精度提高,不完全燃烧产物减少,此时 取样误差对燃烧效率误差影响可以忽略。
      Accurate sampling of gas components is a key factor in aeroengine combustion chamber performance analysis. In order to study the gas component error and its influence caused by gas sampling probe during sampling, a three-dimensional probe multi- component gas flow characteristics solution model was constructed by using a component transport model combined with a numerical simulation method of fluid-solid coupling heat transfer based on the chemical reaction quenching of sampled gases. The error of gas component volume fraction caused by the change of flow parameters of the sampling probe and its influence on combustion efficiency error were analyzed under different excess air coefficients. The results show that the change of probe flow parameters can cause more than 2% relative sampling error. When the excess air coefficient is 1.14, the relative sampling error of CO 2 is 2.35%, and that error of CO is 2.34%; When the excess air coefficient is 2.06, the relative sampling error of CO 2 is 2.04%. When sampling in low excess air coefficient environments, the sampling accuracy of gas components decreases, and the influence of sampling error on combustion efficiency error exceeds 0.1%. With the increase of excess air coefficient, the sampling accuracy of gas component improves, the incomplete combustion products decrease, and the influence of sampling error on combustion efficiency error can be ignored.
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