XU Chun-lei, PIAO Cheng-jie, WANG Liang, WANG Zhen-hua, Tian Ji-xiang.The Engine Low Pressure Turbine Blade Temperature Distribution Measurement Based on the InfraredPyrometer Technology[J].航空发动机,2018,44(1):75-78
The Engine Low Pressure Turbine Blade Temperature Distribution Measurement Based on the InfraredPyrometer Technology
Key Words:Infrared radiation pyrometer  Aeroengine  Turbine blade  Measurement of temperature profile
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
XU Chun-lei, PIAO Cheng-jie, WANG Liang, WANG Zhen-hua, Tian Ji-xiang AECC Shenyang Engine Research Institute, Shenyang 110015, China best2111@163.com 
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Abstract:To know the temperature distribution of the low pressure turbine blade under the real engine working condition. Using the infrared pyrometer system, the temperature distribution of the leading edge of the engine low pressure turbine blade was measured. The instrument modification of the engine began before the experiment; the instrument to identify the blade position using the engine speed signal was designed, at the same time a set of gas pressurization system was designed to provide a high pressure air source. The temperature distribution of the turbine blade was obtained under multiple engine working condition. The data shows that the leading edge and basin of blade temperature are higher than other area; the distributions of blades temperature are different at the same position; the maximum temperature of the blade is located at the bottom of the test area, which is consistent with the simulation results. The temperature distribution of blade can be obtained, using the infrared technology combined with the thermal index paint, the maximum temperature blade and the maximum temperature position of blade can be found.
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